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June 2004 PAESMEM/Stanford Workshop
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Free Books
(No warrantees included.)
Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties
Revised March 2009. This is the final version of
the First Edition of the book.
Second Edition:
published August 2009. Errata for both first and second editions
posted at
Introduction to Statistical Signal
Processing, with Lee D. Davisson.
Hardcover edition published by
Cambridge University Press, December 2004, Cambridge, UK.
Errata for the printed edition.
Corrected paperback edition published in 2010.
- Entropy and Information Theory,
revised 3 June 2023. This is the final version of the First
Edition with corrections. Second Edition
published by Springer in 2011.
Errata for Second Edition as of 3 June 2023.
- Conditional Rate Distortion
Scanned copy of Information Systems Laboratory Technical Report
6502-2, October 1972,
an early work on conditional rate distortion functions and
related theory. The report provided supporting details for published
papers relevant to the topic, specifically
``A new class of lower bounds to information rates of
stationary sources via conditional rate-distortion
functions,'' R.M. Gray,
IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, Vol. IT-19,
No. 4,
pp. 480-489,
July 1973.
``Source coding over simple networks,''
R. M. Gray and A. D. Wyner,
Bell Systems Tech. J., Vol. 53,
No. 9,
pp. 1681-1721,
Nov. 1974.
- Amy Heard:
Historical Traces,
Posted 24 September 2021, regularly updated. Combined,
corrected, expanded version of the following two old manuscripts
with added background material for context. Still transcribing additional letters
and adding notes on Amy's friends and family in the late nineteenth century.
Nonfiction Gilded Age history.
Updated 6 July 2022.
- Amy Heard: Letters from the Gilded Age,
revised September 2005.
- Max & Max,
Revised July 2005.
- The Salem Houses of William ``Old
Billy'' Gray, a note on the houses owned by the Salem merchant along
with photos from the Essex Institute (now part of the Peabody Museum) of
his best known house, which later became the Essex House until it was
torn down to make room for the East India Mall, now the
Museum Place Mall. Be warned this is a 13M
file because of the high resolution images.
Other books
Entropy and Information Theory: Second Edition, Springer,
February 2011.
Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties: Second
Edition, Springer,
August 2009.
- Robert M. Gray,
Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices: A
Review, Now Publishers, Norwell, Massachusetts.
Robert M. Gray and Lee D. Davisson,
Introduction to Statistical Signal
Cambridge University Press
Chee Son Won and Robert M. Gray,
Stochastic Image Processing,
(Now Springer),
- Jia Li and Robert M. Gray,
Image Segmentation and Compression Using Hidden Markov Models,
(Now Springer),
Boston, 2000.
R.M. Gray and J.G. Goodman,
Fourier Transforms: An introduction for engineers,
Kluwer Academic Publishers (now Springer), Boston 1995.
A. Gersho and R. M. Gray,
Vector Quantization and Signal Compression,
Kluwer Academic Press/Springer,
1992. Translated into Japanese by Sadaoki Furui and Saburo Tazaki (1998).
Interest Areas
- Formerly Quantization theory and algorithms,
Information theory, Statistical signal processing, Signal compression and classification.
- Now mostly sailing, hiking, historical research and writing.
Historical articles
The Salem Houses of William "Old Billy" Gray
History and photographs of the historic Sun Tavern and Essex Inn
its destruction to make room for the East India (now Museum Place) Mall.
Poisoning by Wholesale: A Reminiscence of China Life
A manuscript by Albert Farley Heard written during the 1880s regarding
the panic in China in 1857.
The Poisoning in HongKong --- An Episode of Life in China, Forty Years Ago
Another memoir of the Hong Kong poisoning incident, this time by
Augustine Heard, Albert Farley Heard's brother. Written about 1894.
For maritime art and history, check out
Marine Art Education Center.
For nifty old books, including maritime history, have a look at the
Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America
and the Ten Pound Island Book Company.
Nepotism department: check out
Tim Gray's
Prepress service center
Last modified 3 June 2023