J. S. Weiner, D. S. Chemla, D. A. B. Miller,
T. H. Wood, D. Sivco and A. Y. Cho, "Room-temperature Excitons in 1.6µ band-gap
GaInAs/AlInAs Quantum Wells" Appl. Phys. Lett. 46, 619-621 (1985). The
first observation of strong and well-resolved exciton peaks in the room-temperature
absorption spectra of infrared band-gap multiple quantum well structures (MQWs) is
reported. Assignment of the optical resonances in the absorption spectra of GaInAs/AlInAs
MQWs yields the material parameters of this new heterojunction. The discontinuities of the
conduction and valence bands are found to be Delta E/sub c/=0.44 eV and Delta E/sub nu
/=0.29 eV, respectively
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