G. D. Boyd, D. A. B. Miller, D. S. Chemla,
S. L. McCall, A. C. Gossard, and J. H. English, "Multiple Quantum Well Reflection
Modulator" Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 1119-1121, (1987). The authors
demonstrated a quantum-confined Stark effect electroabsorption modulator consisting of
quantum wells of AlGaAs and GaAs on an epitaxial multilayer dielectric mirror, all grown
by molecular beam epitaxy. The resulting reflection modulator avoids problems of substrate
absorption, and has relatively high contrast ratio (up to approximately 8:1 with peak
reflectivity of 25% at 853 nm) because the light passes twice through the quantum wells.
Reflection modulators are of interest for bidirectional communication systems, in parallel
arrays of optical switching and processing devices and for optical interconnects. For the
latter there exists the possibility of this device grown on the same substrate alongside a
GaAs integrated circuit or even on Si substrates
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