D. A. B. Miller, "Quantum Well
Electroabsorptive Devices: Physics and Applications," in "Optical Computing, ed.
B. S. Wherrett and F. A. P. Tooley, Proceedings of the 34th Scottish Universities Summer
School in Physics, Edinburgh, August 1988 (Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics,
Edinburgh, 1989; Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1989) pp 71-94. Quantum wells are one of
the more promising developments for applications in optical devices. They offer low-energy
optical mechanisms compatible with laser diode light sources and semiconductor electronic
devices and are particularly well suited to integration with electronics and for
fabrication of two-dimensionally parallel arrays compatible with the opportunities of
free-space optics. A brief summary of quantum wells, their electroabsorptive properties
and their possible applications in optical switching and computing is given. The author
introduces layered semiconductor structures and quantum wells and proceeds to summarize
electroabsorption in semiconductors in general and in quantum wells, introducing in
particular the quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE). Optical modulators are discussed and
the self-electro optic-effect devices (SEEDs), are summarized
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