A. M. Fox, D. A. B. Miller, G. Livescu, J.
E. Cunningham, W. Y. Jan, "Excitonic effects in coupled quantum wells" Physical
Review B 44, 6231-6242, (1991). Electron-sublevel-anticrossing effects
have been studied in coupled quantum wells where the exciton binding energy is comparable
to the minimum sublevel splitting. The anticrossing was induced by applying an electric
field to align the first and second sublevels of adjacent wells. In this situation the
electron-hole Coulomb interaction has a strong effect on the splittings measured by
optical techniques, because the optical spectra typically measure exciton energies rather
than single-particle energies. The most striking effect is that the minimum splitting of
the excitons associated with each of the split electron levels does not occur at the same
field as for the minimum splitting of the bare-electron levels. One unexpected but readily
observable consequence is that when the same electron-sublevel splitting is measured using
two different pairs of intrawell and interwell exciton transitions, the field for minimum
exciton splitting can differ by up to approximately 10% from one pair of transitions to
the other. The authors have constructed a variational model of the coupled excitons that
explains these effects in terms of Coulomb mixing of the delocalized electron states. They
have measured the exciton splittings directly by photocurrent spectroscopy in three
GaAs/Al/sub 0.3/Ga/sub 0.7/As multiple-quantum-well structures. The samples were similar
in design except that the Al/sub x/Ga/sub 1-x/As barrier thickness varied from 15 to 35
AA. By fitting their variational model to the experimental anticrossing data, the authors
have been able to deduce the actual bare-electron level splittings rather than the exciton
splittings. Within the experimental accuracy, they find that the minimum splitting
decreased exponentially with increasing barrier thickness as would be expected for simple
quantum-mechanical tunnelling
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