D. A. B. Miller "Laser Tuners and
Wavelength-Sensitive Detectors Based on Absorbers in Standing Waves" IEEE Journal of
Quantum Electronics, 30, 732-749 (1994). We propose a new method for
making laser tuners, and wavelength-sensitive or tunable detectors, that is based on
absorbers in standing waves. Because the method does not rely on mechanical movement or
changes in refractive index, it may offer high-speed tunable devices whose range is not
constrained by limits on the size of refractive index changes. The devices can be made
either in a longitudinal form by back reflection, or in a transverse form by interfering
beams at an angle on a surface. We give theoretical models for these structures, and
illustrate the concepts with various specific device designs. These include a narrow band
detector based on transverse gratings, a simple wavelength sensitive longitudinal
structure with a single absorber, and a two-absorber longitudinal structure capable of
many functions, including a narrow band detector, a two wavelength detector, a wavelength
measuring detector, a continuously variable laser tuner, and a laser phase controller.
These devices can all be made using layered semiconductor growth and lithography, and are
particularly suited to quantum wells. The devices are applicable to wavelength division
multiplexing and switching, and to sensors and spectroscopy
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