Zheng Wang, David A. B. Miller, and Shanhui Fan,
"Wide bandwidth, large, and tunable polarization mode dispersion in
multilayered omnidirectional reflectors," Appl. Phys. Lett. 81,
187-189 (2002) We numerically demonstrate the generation of
large, boradband, and tunable polarization mode disperions (PMD) with
omnidirectionally reflecting dielectric stacks with embedded cavities.
Both first-order and second-order polarization mode dispesion can be
generated by similar configurations. Our examples show that the
first-order PMD can be tuned from 0 to 30 ps over an 80 GHz bandwidth
and second-order PMD from 0 to 50 ps/nm can be generated over a 100
GHz bandwidth. We also shoe that in our configuration there is no
significant modal distortion of the light beam when the beam diameters
exceed 3.5 mm.
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