Bhatnagar, C. Debaes, H. Thienpont, and D. A. B. Miller, "Receiverless
detection schemes for optical clock distribution,"(SPIE Photonics West:
Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices, 25-29 Jan. 2004, San Jose, CA,
USA) Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical
Engineering; 6 July 2004; vol.5359, no.1, p.352-9
This paper summarizes
experiments using a modelocked laser to produce a fast-rising,
low-jitter electrical signal for clocking CMOS circuits. A simple
integrating optical-to-electrical conversion scheme using two
photodiodes is used to minimize jitter, area and electrical power
consumption. This scheme is called receiver-less because there is no
receiver to introduce unwanted skew, jitter and electrical power
consumption. Receiver-less optical clock injection to a single CMOS
circuit with < 6 ps rms jitter has been demonstrated. To scale the
receiver-less concept low capacitance detectors are necessary.
Transit-time limited rise times from low capacitance monolithic silicon
CMOS photo-detectors have been simulated using 425 nm short pulses. The
utility of this ‘receiver-less’ scheme is examined for larger clock
distribution networks and varying photodiode capacitances.
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