J. E. Roth, S. Palermo, N. C. Helman, D. P. Bour, D. A. B. Miller, M. A. Horowitz, “1550 nm Optical Interconnect Transceiver with Low Voltage Electroabsorption Modulators Flip-Chip Bonded to 90 nm CMOS,” in Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference on CD-ROM (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2007), Paper JThA38
A low-voltage 90nm CMOS optical interconnect transceiver operating at 1550nm is presented.
This is the first system demonstrated using the recent Quasi-Waveguide Angled Facet Electroabsorption
Modulator (QWAFEM), featuring simple electronic and optical packaging.
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