407. Pierre Wahl, Dany-Sebastien Ly-Gagnon, Christof Debaes, David A.B. Miller, and Hugo Thienpont “B-CALM: An Open-Source GPU-based 3D-FDTD with Multi-Pole Dispersion for Plasmonics,” NUSOD 2011, Rome, Italy, Sept. 2011, Paper MB2
Numerical calculations with finite-difference time domain (FDTD) on metallic nanostructures in a broad optical spectrum require an accurate approximation of the permittivity of dispersive materials. Here, we present the algorithms behind BCALM (Belgium-California Light Machine), an open-source 3D FDTD
solver operating on Graphical Processing Units (GPU's) with multi-pole dispersion models. Our modified architecture shows a reduction in computational times for multi-pole dispersion models for a broad spectral range. We benchmark B-CALM by computing the absorption efficiency of a metallic nanosphere with a one-pole and a three-poles Drude-Lorentz model and compare it with Mie theory
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