459. S. Pai, B. Bartlett, O. Solgaard, and D. A. B. Miller, "Matrix Optimization on Universal Unitary Photonic Devices," Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 064044 (2019) – Published 19 June 2019 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.11.064044
Universal unitary photonic devices can apply arbitrary unitary transformations to a vector of input
modes and provide a promising hardware platform for fast and energy-efficient machine learning using
light. We simulate the gradient-based optimization of random unitary matrices on universal photonic
devices composed of imperfect tunable interferometers. If device components are initialized uniform randomly,
the locally interacting nature of the mesh components biases the optimization search space toward
banded unitary matrices, limiting convergence to random unitary matrices. We detail a procedure for initializing
the device by sampling from the distribution of random unitary matrices and show that this greatly
improves convergence speed. We also explore mesh architecture improvements such as adding extra tunable
beam splitters or permuting waveguide layers to further improve the training speed and scalability of
these devices.
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