467. M. Milanizadeh, T. Jonuzi, P. Borga, F. Toso, G. Ferrari, M. Sampietro, D.A.B. Miller, A. Melloni, and F. Morichetti, "Control of programmable photonic integrated meshes for free-space optics applications," OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (virtual event), July 14, 2020, Paper PsM2F.1 https://www.osapublishing.org/DirectPDFAccess/0FB20565-0C3D-F9E5-5F0044C2EAF48F8A_so3409874.pdf?da=1&idso=3409874&uri=&seq=0&mobile=no
We report on the automated control of self-configuring programmable photonics meshes employed for the manipulation of free-space optical beams. Applications include optical beam coupling and identification, phase front correction and transmission through scattering media.
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