GP/EE 140. The Earth from Space: Introduction to Remote Sensing An introduction to the principles and applications of remote sensing (duh). |
GP/EE 60Q. Man vs. Nature: Coping with Disaster using Space Technology A look at how natural processes affect human life on Earth and how we can manage these forces using modern technology. |
EE 168. Introduction to Digital Image Processing How images are generated and manipulated using digital computers. |
Introduction to classic radar and radar remote sensing, with attention to how signal processing has enabled new radar systems and methods. |
EE 262. Two-dimensional Imaging 2-D Fourier transforms and how they are used to create imaging systems such as MRI, seismic Earth imaging, radio interferometers, Doppler medical systems, and imaging radars. |
EE 355/GP 265. Imaging Radar and Applications Advanced class in signal processing for high-resolution imaging radar systems and their applications. |